Tuesday, April 1, 2014

An Open Letter to the Criminals of Austin Texas

Dear Criminals,

This morning, I went to my truck to go to work. I immediately noticed I had been ransacked. My wallet was gone with a few other items. Not cool man. Not cool. I spent my morning with the police, the bank, and at the DMV. By noon I had this cleared up as best I can.

You charged several hundred dollars worth of gas and food by 9am. I guess you crack heads get an early start.

Well let me tell you a little about myself. Austin is my home now, since about 2008. I love it here. It is a wonderful town and the pros far out-weigh the cons. Pricks like you make it a little challenging at times. But I spend most of my time working to take care of myself and pay my bills and to give myself a good quality of life. I like spending time with my friends out on Townlake, at the Greenbelt, and I even do quite a bit of volunteering helping those that are less fortunate. I am a pretty decent fella. I am the average guy just trying to get by and leave the world a little better place than I found it.

But see, I am not from here. I am from a place that is much different and where I am from, we aren't as passive, forgiving, sympathetic, or tolerant of your kind. Where I come from, the people that work for a living don't have a lot of patience with the scum that don't want to. I brought these ideals with me to Austin. I know for the most part you are used to people giving you multiple chances and you can run free like little animals.

I just want you to know that I will use every legal resource and strategy to find you. I will press charges and push for you to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. I will not stop pressing the police to find you and I will lend a hand every way I can. I sincerely hope they find you.

I am no vigilante and I don't go around in search of crime to thwart. I mind my own business. I live my life. Like I said, I am all about fun and volunteering, giving back to the community. However, when you cross the line into my domain, all bets are off. Once this happens, you have crossed that cowardly barrier and you belong to me. I know you sneak around like a rodent, but you will get caught. If it is me that catches you, I hope you said your prayers that morning. I hope you kissed your children and told them you loved them. Because that will be the last bit of soft love you feel for a long time. Once you have given me the chance, on my own ground, I will destroy you. No matter your age, race, or the pettiness of your crime...my hammer will fall on you hard and just. I will do things to you that will give your children nightmares for the rest of their lives. You will leave my hands a broken disfigured mess. Everyday for the rest of your life when you look in the mirror, you will be devastated by the merciless scars that will face you back in the mirror. You will wonder why someone would do that to you over such a small infraction. Pain will be your constant companion. I will cripple every part of you including your image and state of mind.

Look to Jesus for forgiveness. You can come visit me for terrific pain.

You see, I think a person that will steal from a man that works for a living isn't even human. You are the lowest of the vermin. My humanity towards you stops when you take from someones livelihood and the things they have honestly worked for. No sympathy. No mercy. Not from me bud.

I just want you to know there are heavy handed people here in Austin and you get caught by one of them and your life will never be the same. You will wish for the vacation of jail time.

This is your fair warning from the average Joe. Take heed or suffer.


A Zero Tolerance Citizen


  1. Interesting post. I know a lot of people feel like you when they have been burglarized. Twice I have had my car broken into in Austin. They immediately went and bought stuff with my credit card at a convenience store down the street. When I asked the cops if they could check the camera footage at the store, they said they don't do that. They are too busy. It would have been pretty simple for them to see exactly the time my card was charged and who was paying then on the camera footage. It would have been very easy to see. But they would rather have cops out giving speeding tickets to innocent people in Austin rather than fight the real crime. Car burglaries are a huge problem in Austin. Even in populated areas like Town Lake and downtown.

  2. Well thats why you shouldnt leave your wallet or purse in your car or truck! Sorry man it sucks but always take your purse or wallet with you!

  3. Well Robyn, I should be able to leave my stuff whereever the fuck I want. This isn't some how my fault. It is the fault of the cowardly cocksucker that stole from someone.

    1. u can leave your wallet outside of my door...
