Saturday, January 17, 2015

Burn the Ships- A 30 Day Challenge


A few days ago I posted what my mind thinks is a motivational rant for people that are just getting going on the health and fitness journey. If you didn't read that one, you should. It is fun and it will make me feel better about it not getting as many reads as when I just talk shit about how people are idiots...Eh...But I'm like you, people are idiots, and it is fun to talk about it. But that is for another time! Don't get me going.

In that Eff word riddled rant meant to get you pumped I also promised to post my resolutions. I was working on that little number when new information arose. And far be it for me to be the kind of idiot that say "My Haterz" (with a Z) inspired me. Mostly because that is nonsense and has absolutely no logic to

"Stop Preston. Focus here."

Anyway, quite a few of my most frequent playful/passive aggressive admirers did make me think. Also a lot of other "Resolution" posts got me thinking. So it changed everything an I had to scrap the first draft as it was no longer valid.

The first thing I saw is a lot people putting little hints about there resolutions out there. Maybe a little picture or vague status update or reposting articles about Whole 30 or something. And Hey, if you made a resolution and it means something to you and you are working on it, good! I am happy for you and I hope you succeed. I really do. But for me, I think without accountability, you are starting the whole process with one foot out the door. You can back out with no real consequence except for your own guilt. I used to do that with that smoking when I tried to quit like 284 times. I wouldn't tell anyone, I would just try to see how long I could go. Same thing with drinking. The difference came when I just made it so ridiculously public that my friends and "admirers" alike would have had a field day if I slipped up. So that was just more motivation not to fuck up.

Secondly, by merely expressing some interest in a new idea, I was met with a lot of ill-advised social media commenting of opinions and easily Googled articles weighing heavily toward their opinion. We have already discussed that here though. If you want Google to agree with you, you just have to type in the right search words, and it will. BUT, I will not go off on that either. I just saw that even broaching a new and uncomfortable idea, even to the seemingly most open minded people, has a little backlash. So, with these powers combined, I formed some resolution and a fun little plan.

First, and again, the biggest reason I am putting this here is so you can hold me accountable. Whether you have been a supportive friend, of a spectator watching from the nose-bleeds waiting on a firey, bloody crash. Accountability is a huge part of my success. I am easily swayed by my own stupid brain to give up when no one is looking. So the trick is to make everyone look. For better or worse, you are helping me. Love me or hate me, please don't stop. So that explains the title.

I am burning my ships.

There will be no escape from this land. I can only conquer or perish. And I will have to accept whatever fate may come in front of the gazes of friend and foe alike. I just hope I didn't leave my phone on the ship...I need it for work and stuff.

So I am starting with the inspiration I caught from my new and uncomfortable idea. The Paleo Diet. With some urging from people at my gym. People that are not only serious about their health and fitness, but at times competitive with it. Also people that really have nothing to gain from me doing this. They just saw me plateau and gave some suggestions. One was that I just pick up the book

The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf. Here is a link to check it out -

The book was $10 on Amazon for my Kindle so not a huge investment. I have already read a ton of diet, health, fitness, and nutrition books so this wasn't a big deal. As I read through I can't say that I am buying all of it, but combined with other things I have read, and things I have had success with in the past, a lot of it started making a lot of sense. So as you can imagine by putting a half idea out that I may look at gluten differently, I had the Hoo-Hahs all over me. Not just online but pretty much anyone I brought it up to as conversation. Even though I was really just thinking out loud about it, people got defensive like I joined the Mormon Church and showed up at their front door. People love fucking bread man. Crazy.

I finished the book today and I am still not completely sold. I don't know. But from this book, other books and previous experience, I came to this conclusion:

At worst gluten could be poisoning me and attributing to a lot of issues I have. At best, it really doesn't do me any favors.

So with that I have decided to put my money where my bread used to be and take on the 30 Day challenge it suggests in the book. I really don't have anything to lose from doing and plus it will be fun. Either fun for me because it will work wonders as the book suggests, or fun for you when I fail and have to admit like a kid that pooped his pants at Six Flags. Once this post goes online I really have no other choice.

I have some other ships to burn but they are not as fun as this don't really require accountability. Accountability for them may even hurt some feelings. But I will say this. I have learned there are different kinds of friends. I have a lot and I have some great ones. There are friends that truly care about and support you and then there are accomplices. With the many changes I am making and the steps I am taking, I just can't afford to have any accomplices.

So...back to business.

The 30 Day challenge.

About 5 years ago I did a few of these and they were fun. My favorite was 30 Days of Giving. I either gave money or time to a new charity every day for 30 Days. Learned a lot and felt great. I highly suggest trying that one yourself.

But for this one, this is how it is going to go.

I will be starting the 30 Days Monday January 19th. I will adhere as closely to the guidelines in the book and other Paleo sources as closely as I can. Money probably being the only obstacle. He suggests that you have a ton of blood work done at the beginning then at the end, but ain't nobody got money for that. But tracking progress is pretty key so I will be doing that. I will keep a journal everyday or every other day. I will try to briefly discuss my successes, challenges, or indifference on the daily routine.

I will take progress pictures and measurements weekly. This will include, weight, waist size, hip size, and waist to hip ratio. Success or failure, I will post the pictures.

I will try to keep a running tally of the cost associated with it too. The biggest argument I have gotten for any route of healthy eating is that it is too expensive. I don't believe that, but being that this is a lot of meat and lower caloric dense foods, I am assuming it may be a little more expensive than I am used to. Time will tell.

If I do slip up, and that is very strong and real possibility, I will be honest and accountable for it. I will not only tell you about it, but I will take a picture of the sinful deed. You can shame me as you see fit. Please don't throw rocks.

Just like always, I will maintain my current workout schedule, but will probably stepping it up because I have the Savage Race to train for. (If you want to run with me sign up here SAVAGE RACE)

I will not be taking any weight loss supplements. Never have and I am not a cheater. Except in checkers.

At the conclusion, I will compile all of my progress data and daily journal entries, put them together, and post it.

I hope it works because right now I have hit a plateau but if it doesn't this can serve as a real life example that it might not be all it's cracked up to be. If you do believe in the concept of no gluten and the Paleo Diet, I suggest following this one. If you don't believe it works and you think its a bunch of trendy breadless bullshit, here is your chance to find out.

If you don't care but you like reading my stuff. I love you.

So there it is. The ships are ablaze and there really isn't any turning back. Plus I just had to go grocery shopping and spent like $200.

Tomorrow is day 0. Wish me luck!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Resolution Revolution

January 2nd, post hangover, there is almost a Black Friday wave of fatties entering the gym. Every treadmill is taken, all the stairmasters are straining, and your next workout machine is taken by a guy that is sitting on it backward and is likely to break his arm instead of reading the instructions.

There are two hefty women walking swiftly and with the form of Rock Em' Sock 'Em Robots at the trail you run every day. Every 20 yards you have to run around these Big Bettys.

The fresh food isle is full of meandering couch potato zombies, staring at apples like a 12 year old boy at a boob. Confused and hungry.

You know most of these people are just going to fall off the wagon in a couple of weeks so why do they even bother? Right?

Well Fuck you!

I say go on with your bad self Rock Em Sock Em Bettys, and dude that is fucking the work out machine, and alien apple people! You are doing exactly what you are supposed to do! You are awkwardly feeling your way through the dark to the light! You have taken that first step, the hardest and scariest one. You got this. Just keep going. You are doing great already.

Check out Larry Evans on Facebook.

I was that guy. I had to suffer the judgmental looks from Golds Gym Tank top wearing ass hats just like you. I had to fumble through weeks of bootcamp before I didn't feel like vomiting after the warm up. I had to walk around the grocery store like a fucking idiot for months before I understood what I really needed to buy, how much, and what kind. And guess what? I am still overweight. I am still learning. I am still awkwardly stumbling around like a Pop-Tard. BUT! Last year I lost 50 pounds and 9 inches off my waist. I went from 10 minute mile and having to stop to running an average of an 8.5 minute mile, with my best time at 7:30! I went from sweating on my couch in the summer to running the Zombie Run and getting a Survivor Medal at the end. Then following it up with another 5k a couple of months later. For some people these are barely a blips on their fitness radar, but for me they are huge fucking milestones. I went from being hungover and ordering pizza to getting up on Saturday morning for a workout and a smoothie. And it all started with that first step. It feels like the first day of high school and you accidentally walk into the wrong room...for 3 weeks. And it never really gets easier, but it gets better. So much fucking better. Keep on trucking Big Bear! You got this shit.

Not listen to this...

It took for me to feel what you are feeling right now. Disgust, depression, low self esteem, and self worth. I was miserable. I wanted the change and I knew WHY I wanted the change. I wanted to wake up every day and feel good. I wanted to fit into some old band shirts I hadn't been able to wear in years. I wanted to stop counting how many X's the shirt had on it before I bought it. And hell yeah, I wanted the compliments! That shit feels good man. I love watching my progress. I love watching the scale drop lower and lower every week. I love watching the loop on the tape measure get smaller and smaller around my waist. I love when those people that made of me or doubted me ask me questions about diet and fitness. I love eating my salad and low carb meals so that when I do get to have that burger, it's fucking magical in mouth.

So here is a little unsolicited advice for you new to a healthier lifestyle. First, just keep doing what you're doing. Every time you do something that is in more of positive direction than you usually do, or did last time is a success. Please try to see it that way. Opting for a chicken sandwhich over the double burger is a success. Doesn't matter that you didn't order the Quinoa with a side arrogance. You moved forward. Keep going. You will gain momentum and you will be unstoppable.

Second you don't have to listen to people. Fuck people. Fuck the internet. Fuck magazines. Fuck your friends. While people mean well in there advice, they can make it harder for you. Everyone has an opinion and an answer to everything and that shit is overwhelming and confusing.  When I started walking, thats right, walking, like a little old lady on Sunday stroll. Although I was listening to metal...anyway...When I started walking people had fucking opinions on how should walk. The funny thing was, I wasn't walking because it is a miracle workout, I was walking to start building the habit of getting up and doing something active. It was an intentional baby step. Walking snowballed into jogging a little and that snowballed into joining a bootcamp. Walking, slow as shit, gained momentum and it hasn't stopped. Then people had opinions on high intensity interval training that you get a bootcamp and told me I should take up running and lifting. Then people told me that running would kill me faster and lifting wouldn't help me lose weight. Then when I wanted a new challenge and started CrossFit and martial arts, people had to take their jabs there for making that move and sending me articles of all the ways people have gotten hurt during a WOD at CrossFit. They didn't ask me what my experience was like, they just assumed some cocksucker on the web had all the answers and I was fucking up. Do what you are comfortable with as little as you need it to be as long as it is a little more than you used to do. If you need to start by walking, then jogging for 20 feet, and then walking home, then do that. Tell everyone else to shut up. When it comes time, you will ask them what you need to ask them. And don't trust the internet. You can literally find articles about how oranges are bad for you. The conflicting information is meant to keep people reading but rarely offers any kind of substance. If you are just starting this journey, then choosing a salad at home over making a run for the border is a big enough decision. Don't worry about looking at the chemical make of the water you are drinking. You will get there. Start with that shit too early and you are doomed. People will make a big deal out of everything you do. The internet will confuse you. Just block them out. If someone is fat, doesn't workout, and snorts french fries, don't listen to them. If someone is fit as fuck with a six pack and they run a 3 minute mile, but they are confusing you, ignore them. People that have always been in shape rarely understand the battle you are going through and think they can overwhelm you. Again, you can always come back to them and ask questions when you are ready. For now, just get that iced tea instead of that Dr. Pepper.

Third, figure out why you are doing this. Have an honest conversation with yourself and figure out what you want and why you want it. Then ask yourself what your plan is going to be. It doesn't have to be perfect. Just something. If you decide to jump on a fad diet wagon, ask yourself what you want out of it. Then how long will it take to accomplish that. Small steps towards doing something you can sustain forever is 10 times better than a giant leap at something that could backfire. Shortcuts are dangerous territory. If you keep making those small steps and small decisions, it will take awhile, but it will last and you won't have to suffer disappointment and frustration.

Forth, don't beat yourself up. Shit happens. You are going to breakdown and have a burger or ice cream or both or both at the same time! You are human and American and life has to be lived. One hiccup isn't the end. It just teaches you a lesson and is an opportunity for you to pay attention to how it feels and what triggered it, and how you can avoid it in the future. In my time working out over the past year I probably should have lost way more. I should be closer to my goal. But a healthy lifestyle is not linear. It is rocky like Colorado friend! If I lost 50 pounds, during that time I gained back 5 or 6 pounds here and there. Then I would have to lose it all over again and then some more. But it wasn't a step back. I was learning when that happened. I was also still building strength, endurance, and speed. Suffer the wipeouts, get back up, analyze it a bit, then move on.

Fifth, take lots of pictures! Before pictures, after pictures, progress pictures, action shots, money not that one...but you get it. It's fun and motivating and a great way for you to keep track of results.

You have started something awesome because deep down you know you deserve better and you do. You will hate training but you will love putting on smaller clothes and high fives and looks from passers by. Although some of those for me were out of concern the first few times I ran a mile. It sounded like I was snoring while running. Not pretty. But it got better and I've caught some ladies checking me out. Keep going. You got this. Just a little further and little better everyday.

Happy New Year.

PS. Keep checking back and I will post my resolutions within a few days.

Also, share this! Share this for people that may need the push and share this for the people that need to shut the fuck up. I will be happy to talk to them for you. :)