Sunday, September 14, 2014

All About that Bass? You need to be all about a Salad.

 Ladies and Gentlemen, a few times in the last few weeks I have been complimented a couple times on my newer, nicer attitude and outlook. While I appreciate all the nice comments and the fact that you took the time to notice, I don't want anyone to get carried away. Maybe it's sobriety but I have just stop giving a shit too much about people and choose to ignore the things I use to feed on and attack. However, once in awhile there are these nasty occasions where something is just shoved in your face and you can't seem to escape. Recently, I have been dealing with one of those. A song. A stupid horrible song. All About that Bass/Base...Please allow me to respond to this song and those that listen to it and those that are even championing this song as positive body image anthem.

First things first. Just like with all the garbage that people listen to these days, this song was literally engineered and written to hold your brain captive. To the point you crave it and sing it incessantly. There is a computer that they run songs through to determine their viability as a hit and market it based on the results they get. Similar to the chicken nuggets at McDonalds. Nothing organic or natural about it. Just something to tickle the pleasure centers in your brain and get you addicted like sugar or cocaine. This song will die off soon because like the others that have come before it, it is designed for instant gratification, not timelessness. That is a science you can look up yourself. But we need not get into your sheepish thought processes at this time. Let's focus on this ugly rodent of a song and carry on.

But the most disturbing part is that it is being held on high as a song that promotes a healthy body image. So lets talk about that.

Healthy? Basically this is a song that is telling all of the overweight women in the world that there is nothing wrong with them. I agree with this for the most part too. As long as they are leading a happy life and can look in the mirror and be fine with the person staring back. Some people can and I say, keep on keepin on ladies. Now, flip that coin. Most women are absolutely obsessed with the way they look. The constantly talk about it. It is how they measure themselves in society and in social settings. It's disturbing actually. But probably the most disturbing part is that they say it is because that what society is telling them to do. How society is telling them to be. So lets back up...All you sassy BBW's out there are taking away your own identity to blame someone else, then trying to say that this is your way of being an individual. That doesn't add up. I think it's just that you BBW's love you some BBQ but need a scapegoat when met with adversity on the issue. In our country things have changed some where now HEALTH and FITNESS are the measure of not only women but men alike. The mindset is different and there is a distinct possibility that people are really not judging your appearance but your lifestyle. You complain about your situation but rarely do anything about it. Drown your sorrows in ketchup then the rest of us have to listen to long explanations about how you can't help it because of this or that, but at no point to you point the finger back at yourself, get off the fucking couch and workout, or exchange a burger for a salad.

So instead of changing and making yourself happy with yourself, you seek out enabling materials. Role models, magazines, books, and songs. You take a position against what you claim society is forcing on you and women that look and feel differently about themselves.

Now, I know a few girls that have always been thin and have a very hard time putting on weight. See they have physical conditions that keep them from this. They truly can't help it. Now I know that one of the many skills acquired in the fatty life is thinking of reasons why you can't help it. You have thyroid issues, your kids caused it, and the list will go on. The reality is that most of those are bullshit. Shoving snickers bars down your necks and chasing it with Dr. Peppers, isn't a medical condition. Not really. The closest thing to that is alcoholism and there are treatments for that. Again, it's going to come back to personal responsibility. But what you are effectively doing is casting yourself as a persecuted outsider while doing that exact same thing to another group of women. You are telling women that men prefer a girl with "meat". So the girls that struggle with medical issues that keep them skinny are then alienated and told by you that they are undesirable and something is wrong with them. So to fight your cause, you do the exact same thing that is been done to you. And that is where my sympathy flies out the window. Until you can ditch the stereotype of girls being competitive and catty to one another, then you are going to keep going the way you are going. It is self perpetuating. Like it or not. You would actually think that with the all the adversity you claim to overcome, you would have empathy for the others out there facing the same thing just in a different way. You would think this would be something that you would all come together on and try to take the focus away being judged on your aesthetics and lift yourselves up as a group. But you can't do that because you are literally obsessed with finding a mate and frustrated that the quality mates don't want any part of your back fat. So now you write songs tearing someone else down. This is exactly what we are taught bullies do in grade school. Good job.

The worst part is that not only are you defending gravy mountain, but you are doing it with such a stupid fucking song. This is proof that the problem starts in your cholesterol soaked brains.

Here are the facts. Most guys like a girl that compliments him and his lifestyle. Drunks seek out drunks, Runners like runners. And Fatties like fatties. I don't think I could successfully navigate a relationship to the promise land with a fitness model because my heart is not in her lifestyle. But I can tell you that I have to have a woman that has some self respect, goals, and the drive to be better. Not just better with how she looks, but in her career, her health, and success with her life in general. So when I see a giant couch dwelling, pizza snorting, loaf of fatassery, I don't tink think that would compliment my life or my ideals very well and I stay away. Not because she's fat, but because of the lifestyle it must take to get someone down that road. I want no part of it. So I know it's hard to look passed your fat, but you have to look deeper into why you are undesirable to those people you would have as your life mate. It's a combination of things. Maybe look at things like a combo meal for perspective.

So the next time you are shaking your giant ass to that song thinking of how everyone else is the one with the problem, first think about yourself. Are you truly happy or are you avoiding the real issue? Second, think about those girls that you are putting your big fat foot on. Do they deserve this? Third, stop hating beautiful women. The fact is that people will like beautiful people more than average people forever. Luckily I was born with Brad Pittish looks and never have to worry about anything ever. I am one of those fortunate go with it. Then last, ask yourself, if maybe you should turn off that radio, put down those fries, and get to work. First work on the fact that you are much more than your body, then work on the body you will be happy with.

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